Coaching for individual employees

Sometimes, employees get stuck. This is not necessarily due to a burn-out. Some people with high potential simply do not know how to develop their talents. Applying different techniques, Art Decoo can offer a solution.

Socrates coaching & Reframing

Asking questions is an art. By asking the right question at the right moment, the coach can help people gain insight.
He also makes people look through other spectacles: they then see the world from another perspective.
For many people, getting insight is already sufficient for them to start moving.

Development-oriented coaching

The coach assesses the situation with you. Together we also try to define what you would like and we draw a roadmap to move towards that target.

Walt Disney

Human beings are full of ideas though they do not take the time to dream. Dreaming, however, can be the starting point of wonderful realisations. Art Decoo takes the time to allow dreams to mature first and then turns them, together with the participants, into realistic plans.